Okay, so you have decided to travel by airplane and nowadays it is probably the most convenient and safest way to reach the desired point. Apart from the fact that traveling by an airplane is much faster, it can also get cheaper from other options as well – if you book your tickets on time, or you are a part of the numerous membership or monthly programs you will get certain discounts that will make the whole trip worth it. And if you are living or often traveling to the sunny state of California you have sure been to the San Francisco International Airport at least once. Apart from LAX Airport, it is the most important airport across the state – more than 55 million passengers used its service last year. To be honest, the SFO takes the place as one of the most organized airports in the whole country.
Now, as with almost all airports finding a parking spot may not be that easy. Still, the SFO offers more than enough of parking lots and garage levels so if you know your options and prepare yourself on time you shouldn’t have a problem. With this in mind, let’s go ahead and take a look at your best bets!

Source: NBC Bay Area
What Are The Off-Airport Options
First, and foremost when it comes to the SFO airport parking it might be wise to look at the off-airport options as those usually have a free spot at any time being. A great thing about these is being able to reserve your spot in advance (see www.gottapark.com for example) and get your place even if you are not a guest of the hotel. Though it is not at the airport, you will have numerous shuttle options and won’t have to worry about missing your flight. The daily rate for hotel parking is $10, which is a lot cheaper than short-term or long-term airport lot options. Similar to the hotel parking lots, you can book a spot at an off-airport garage and it will cost around the same price ($10).
Are The Short-Term Options Any Good
Now, short-term parking lots are a specific thing to consider – these are more expensive than the long term ones but on the other hand you have a better chance of finding a spot and these come in handy when you are there just to pick up your friend/family member or you are going for a short few days trip. There are two short-term hourly options – you have the domestic one and the international one. The Domestic Parking Garage has to be one of the most expensive parking lot options when it comes to SFO parking but in some cases, it can be worth it. It is a 5 level garage and you will not have a problem finding a spot for you. The price of it is $36 for a day, or $2 for every 15 minutes passed. On the other hand, the International Parking Garage is at the same price of $36 a day and there are two of these – a northern and a southern one.

Source: LSA Associates
The Long-Term Parking Option
Long-term lots are always good when you are going on a trip that is more than a few days, and it is cheaper than the short-term parking spots with a price of $25 a day. Still, it isn’t as close to the airport and you will have to take a shuttle to transport yourself but it doesn’t represent a problem.
The Convenient Automated Services
The ParkFAST is one of the most convenient options considering SFO airport parking – and it will cost you $40 for a member, while $42 for non-members. It will allow you to go in and out without having to waste time at the pay stations.
Last but not least is the ParkVALLET and it will allow you to drop off your car for up to 7 days and at a price of $45 per day. It is situated at the garage level 4 zone and is one of the best lots out there.

Source: archives.sfexaminer.com
Yes, finding a parking spot when one airport can be pretty tough and it can cost you much worth time, energy and money. That is why you should educate yourself on the SFO parking options and come prepared. For some lots, you can even reserve the parking spot in advance and stay trouble free!