Those of us with with a uterus know what it’s like to be desperate for a heating pad to ease the writhing, stabbing pain from menstruation cramps. It turns out, we could go for a little more relief directly at the source — by way of Korea, there now exist heated panty liners. The blog British Beauty Blogger posted pictures of the pad, which her friend picked up on a trip to Japan. She said the package contains a “heated sachet,” which gets very hot and is not to be worn “directly in contact with your nethers.” I guess it’s not so much a “heated panty liner” as a heated object you wear it underneath a panty liner? Either way, the whole concept of a heated panty liner seems similar to stuffing those handwarmers that people put in their mittens down your panties.

Source: instaphenomenons
If any Frisky readers speak Korean, I would love a translation on the packaging of what I think are the suggested uses for a heated panty linter because half of them don’t make any sense from the pictures. Skiing? Sitting on a chair? Holding a baby? I don’t even want to risk any burns on my vag and/or inner thighs, so my only suggested use is laughing at this.
Original by: Jessica Wakeman