Older, but not always wiser…
No, this isn’t about a battle of the sexes. Women aren’t going to complain about the toilet set being left up or other outdated stereotypes people have of women ragging on men’s habits.
Think of this as some simple, easy to do, or easy to understand concepts that modern women expect a grown man to know about this day in age. These women (and some men) of Reddit want to share knowledge about women that a lot of guys don’t know about it because of rumors, old wives tales, or poor education.

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Soylent Women

Credit: veryulissa/Shutterstock
Women are different from each other. They’re not all the same. They’re like…they’re kind of like people. (pandafoxshark)

Credit: VGstockstudio/Shutterstock
When they start telling you some problem in detail, they aren’t looking for a solution, they are looking for commiseration. (FalstaffsMind)
This times 100. If I’m venting to my man about something that is making me angry and he suggests solutions, it only makes me more angry. I realize there are solutions and I likely am fully aware of how to fix the situation myself. For me, venting isn’t a method of solving the problem. It’s about processing my emotions so I can work the solution with a cool head. (Angelfoodcake4life)
How many holes?!

Credit: kryzhov/Shutterstock
Women don’t pee from the same hole they have sex with. It’s amazing how many people don’t know that (cant_afford_gas)
It’s true!

Credit: GRSI/Shutterstock
That women have hairy bum holes, too. [deleted user]
Just to calm down the 15 year olds who are surprised by this fact…
Women have most of the same hair you have. Hairy legs, hairy arm pits, and hairy nether regions. It is only relatively recently in world history that women started shaving for aesthetic reasons. Your father and his father and generations of men in your family have successfully copulated with hairy women.
A little a** hair shouldn’t freak you out. (edmanet)
La La Labia

Credit: Munimara/Shutterstock
Labia come in all shapes and colors. They have absolutely nothing to do with someone’s promiscuity. (beanfiddler)
Not to mention the “size”/”loose” fallacy. Vaginas have tons of muscles! They expand and contract. They don’t get looser from having lots of sex. They aren’t tight because they haven’t had sex in awhile. If a woman has sex with a man with a huge d*ck then her vagina will shrink back to normal afterwards. That’s how it works.
That might all seem like common knowledge, but the stigma of loose/tight vaginas is way too frequent to be healthy (especially in porn.) (Alcohol_Intolerant)

Credit: AlessandroBiascioli/Shutterstock
The vast majority of them aren’t gonna falsely accuse you of rape. (outerdrive313)

Credit: Anton Gvozdikov/Shutterstock
When it comes to sex, do not rely on porn for your sex education on women. They all don’t like cum in the face, they all don’t like being a** rammed and they all don’t want to bow to your sexual fetishes within the first five minutes of meeting you. Once you realize that they too, have 50% of the stake in the relationship; the sex will be better for everyone. (Kcb1986)

Credit: Iryna Inshyna/Shutterstock
The hymen is not a freshness seal. (DarthBaculum)

Credit: Evgeniya Porechenskaya/Shutterstock
We have moods and feelings that aren’t tied to our uteruses. If you want to cause a bigger fight, ask “what are you on your period?” (psyclopes)
I have had to inform many men that I’m not being sensitive, they’re being a d*ck. (firesoups)
The incels were wrong?!

Credit: Dmitri Ma/Shutterstock
That women have sex drives too. That we masturbate and watch porn. That we get rejected. That getting laid isn’t easy just because we are female. (Many men have this fallacious assumption that women can get whatever guy they want, that we don’t get rejected, and that we can have sex with whoever we want anytime).
That there is enormous pressure to focus on our looks. That we don’t expect you to pay all the time. That we can be logical creatures and not sensitive emotional creatures. That we aren’t all obsessed with shopping and manicures. That just because we game or like science or sports, we want to be looked at as a “tomboy;” like come on, women like objectively cool stuff and we don’t want the credit being diminished by “oh she’s one of the guys” (Youropinionswrong23)
Urine the right thread

Credit: AXL/Shutterstock
This is gross, but…
Guys piss all nice and neat (aside from odd instances).
Women don’t; it manages to seep everywhere in the crack area.
That said, women use a lot of toilet paper. A lot.
Don’t EVER bring it up; we KNOW we do, and we can’t really help it. (Satans__Secretary)
Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Credit: Sofi photo/Shutterstock
Not all women are into playing ‘the game’ or whatever it is. My mom is obsessed with the idea that women have to play hard to get, be aloof, and that women have to hide all of their flaws. My mom thinks she’s the love guru and I find that ironic, because her marriage is garbage.
I think that’s bulls**t, and it’s fake as all get-out. You’re hiding who you are so you can lure in a guy? That’s not love. That’s just a lie, a pathetic excuse to obtain that Hollywood romance that so many people are so desperate to have. I’m sorry, but real life is not a f**king Nicholas Sparks novel. And I am not f**king perfect, and I’m not apologizing for that. I don’t have time to sit there and play hard to get and do all this coy bulls**t nonsense.
I work, I’m in school, I’m busy and focused on getting my life together. So no, I’m not going to play games. Life is too short, and time is too precious. I’m not sacrificing who I am in a sad attempt at ‘love’. (BiteYourOwnTongue)

Credit: lenetstan/Shutterstock
It’s not sexist or misogynistic to acknowledge that PMS is happening. Emotional stress and physical discomfort is something that is happening and there’s nothing you can do to fix it or change it. Don’t try to fix it or fix their way of thinking. Just give them plenty of space and don’t be patronizing.
Never point out that a person has PMS. Do not invalidate that person’s opinion because you think they have PMS. Do not criticize them or criticize their work during this period just because you think they are on their period. Unless you are dating this person or very very good friends with them, just don’t talk about it. Period. They could just be having a bad day in general. If you want to help, just be an ear for them to talk into.
But if you want to be a hero, carry some extra pads and tampons in your bag or backpack in case of emergency. Don’t offer them proactively, but just keep some on hand just in case. You never know when you’re going to be a life saver to a girlfriend or family member when they’re in need and far from the nearest store. (Greenapplesplatter)
We are everything

Credit: WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock
They are just as sane, crazy, f**ked up, twisted, dramatic, loyal, loving, insecure or any other adjective you can think of as men are. They are not a different species. They are people with hopes, dreams and flaws as much as any male. (SardonicKiller)
F**k you I don’t have any hopes and dreams (neverbuythesun)

Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
This thread is all about sexual things. The thing that everyone should know is that except for a few things women and men are more or less the same. Everyone wants the same thing, to be accepted for who they are as a human being, not what is expected of them as a man or as a woman. The worst thing we can do to each other as a species is to limit our interactions and experiences with each other based on gender roles. (Ohchristmastreee)
Want to read more? Check out the Reddit thread.
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Original by Jordie Lee