Charlize Theron has had a sincere interview recently, in which she talked about her kids. She explained to Pride Source how she isn’t raising a boy and a girl anymore. She has two daughters.
The talented Hollywood actress shared how Jackson “looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy! So there you go!”

Source: Closer Weekly
Pride Source questioned Theron, and they asked her the following, “I’m curious if having a daughter who happens to be transgender influences your decisions when it comes to taking on the LGBTQ characters you do or, for that matter, don’t.”
The actress said, “Well, this is all pretty new for us, so it hasn’t really kind of come into question. I don’t really necessarily know if it will.” Theron further revealed, “My daughter’s story is really her story, and one day, if she chooses, she’ll tell her story. I feel like as her mother, for me, it was important to let the world know that I would appreciate it if they would use the right pronouns for her.”
“I think it became harder for us the older she got that people were still writing about her in the wrong pronouns, and also I was still talking about her in the press using the wrong pronoun. It really hurt her feelings,” Charlize Theron stated. “I don’t want to be that mom, and that was really why I said what I said a while back.”

The mother of two revealed the reason why she didn’t talk about this subject before. “I haven’t really talked about it ever since, again, because outside of just asking that respectfully of the press – and the world, hopefully – the rest is really private and it’s her story, and it’s really up to her to decide if she wants to share that.”
The Bombshell star also talked about her other daughter, and she shared, “One of my daughters (4-year-old August) is convinced that she’s gonna be married five times and it’s gonna be three boys and two girls, and I just love that she has the freedom to think that way. God knows what it’s going to be, but I love that she feels safe enough to explore in her little-girl brain that anything is possible and that she’s gonna go and discover that for herself.”