Naturally, no one like to think about death, but when it comes to the royal family, many people still can’t help but wonder what will happen when Queen Elizabeth II dies. Her son, Prince Charles will become the new monarch, but the question is when exactly. In other words, how long will he have to wait before he ascends the throne when his beloved mother passes away?
No one can predict when the Queen will die, and hopefully, that won’t happen in the near future. But, since we’re talking about the royal family here, all the steps that are to be taken afterwards have already been planned. The Queen has thought of everything – from how long she should be mourned to what will be allowed on public television. Thus, she decided on 12 days of mourning and, of course, no comedies or any other humorous programs on TV during that time.

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As for the announcement of her death, the world will know immediately. Of course, in case she dies in the middle of the night, the tragic news will be announced early in the morning. According to the Daily Beast, “Every senior BBC presenter has to have a dark suit and black tie on standby in which to announce the death of a senior member of the royal family.”
As the longest-serving heir apparent in the British royal family’s history and the first in line to the throne, Prince Charles will become king immediately after his mother’s death. This has been decided so as not to leave the throne vacant ever. Nonetheless, the official coronation won’t be held right away, but most likely a couple of months later.

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Some changes that will follow Prince Charles’ taking over include the alternation of the Britain’s national anthem from “God Save The Queen” to “God Save The King,” new stamps and banknotes, as well as coins with an image of the male monarch.