The weird things that people do when they’re alone…
When you get into a romantic relationship with someone, you learn that you have to take the good along with the bad if you want to stay with them. You really can’t change a person’s strange habits, gross tendencies, or weird idiosyncrasies no matter how much you nitpick about it; you can’t change the way you live your life for someone else either. You can’t go around telling your friends about all those embarrassing things they do or the secrets they’ve told you, but thanks to the anonymity of the internet, you can get all of those secrets off your chest.
You know all of those secrets you told your partner and told them never to tell?
Guilty Feeling

Source: Pixabay
I’m a white male, used to date a black woman. We had a very intense sexual relationship. She liked it rough. Very rough. I’m a big guy and she like to be tossed around, held down, and basically “taken.”
One day after a couple months of this, she asks me if I’m into role play. I told her, sure, why not?
So, we get right at it. I’m doing what I do, holding her head down by her hair. And out of NOWHERE she says, “Aww yeah massah, if I f**ks you real good can you let me in from the field?”
Instant white guilt. Instant softness…. (tknames)
Gold Digger

Credit: Shutterstock
My naive ex has a Chinese tattoo she got at a carnival that instead of being her name really calls her a “money lover.” It was hilarious when our Chinese friend told us but I had to promise not to tell. (RolandDeshane)
Peed a Little

Credit: Elvira Koneva/Shutterstock
She has poor bladder control.
Make her laugh? That’s a pissin’.
Can’t make it to a roadside bathroom within a few minutes? That’s a pissin’.
Having an orgasm? That’s a pissin’.
Crying? Oh, you better believe that’s a pissin’. [deleted user]
My Best Friend

Credit: sakkmesterke/Shutterstock
My ex was very into her best friend. We use to fantasize and talk about having a threesome with her almost every time we had sex. It was kind of the only way she got off. We even f**ked with her laptop open next to us with pictures of her friend up. No complaints from me at the time, but in hindsight that was weird. They are still best friends, they are even living together this summer in the city… (Thisguy19900)
Busted With the Bear

Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock
As a teenager she would use this bear to masturbate. It would vibrate and count down from ten to happy new year. One day while she was using it to get off, her mother unexpectedly came home. Her mother wondering why she kept hear this bear counting down, walks in on my ex cumming and the bear yelling ” Happy New Year!” (_PM_ME_UR_SECRETS_)
Don’t ask questions

My ex told me when she was little, her older sister dared her to push a rolling pin into her vagina. Apparently ‘How far did you get it?’ was not an appropriate response. (love_me_please)
Still Suckin’

Credit: Raisa Kanareva/Shutterstock
He’s 27 and I occasionally walk in on him asleep with his thumb in his mouth. Not just the end. His whole thumb. Its adorable but I would never tell a soul. (genuinecanadian)
Lots of Lovers

Source: Shutterstock
My ex revealed to me about a year into our relationship that she has had sex with over 150 men. I thought she was joking. She did not take kindly to when I laughed. (boostmobilethrowaway)
Frozen Pee

Credit: AXL/Shutterstock
At my 21st birthday party she took a pee in the driveway in front of me while we chatted (we were trashed). Next morning the pee had frozen into a puddle and somebody slipped on it and sprained their ankle. Everyone thought it must have been a spilt beer that froze but I knew what it really was. (Gr33nman460)
Brotherly Love

Credit: Captblack76/Shutterstock
My ex participated in incest with her brother when they were kids. They were 10 and wanted to kiss because it looked cool, so they did it and they liked it so they continued until they were 14. Eventually, they quit and went to being non-sexual siblings.
Until three years, the state trooper arrested them for sex in the car and their parents (and the whole town) knew what they were doing. They were not very popular after that. (BlackOptimist)
The Secret Lives of Jerks

Credit: Matt Cardy/Getty Images
My ex has a very low self confidence and he tries so hard to be someone he’s not. He talks like an arrogant and is a liar. He doesn’t know that I know he has a Yahoo Answers account and pours his heart in the dating section. He always says it’s the women’s fault that they cannot handle his sexiness.
There are about 50 posts about each woman he tried so hard to hook up with, but failed. “Even though we had sex, I texted her, ‘good night’ to show her that I’m a gentleman, but she hasn’t answered in a day… Why would she do that to me?” He won’t accept the truth that he’s the one with emotional issue. (jaxpica)
Revenge Porn

Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock
During the summer between senior year of high school and freshmen year of college, she emailed some nude pics to her boyfriend. They broke up a little while later, and one of her pics she emailed him was sold to Redtube to be used in one of the sidebar ads. Yeah, that was fun finding out the hard way. (mcjanus)

Credit: Lewis Tse Pui Lung/Getty Images
GF was masturbating with her moms long skinny candle once, and I caught her after deciding to surprise her on my lunch break and it was awesome to see how embarrassed and red she got. Have never told anyone this, and to this day whenever i bring it up she gets super red and laughy. (Giovannisalami)
Now I Know

Credit: LDprod/Shutterstock
Her email and fb stayed logged on on my laptop for months without her knowing somehow. Over that time I watched as she would talk, in intimate detail, about cheating with her ex or another guy or two. I always questioned her but never presented that evidence, and she somehow always argued me into submission. I don’t know how I justified it then, but I sure as hell wouldn’t in the future. (djdadi)
You’re doing it wrong
When she makes PB&Js she puts half PB and J on EACH slice of bread.
I want to bring it up but I don’t, it’s too weird. (GOpencyprep)
Do you want to reveal your significant other’s deep, dark secret? Let us know what they do in the comments and SHARE this story!
Original by Emily Hingle